Study Area – The Évora Site (Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz)

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We have selected the local-scale study area of the LiguSTAR project. We have chosen an archaeological site placed on the banks of the Ligustinus, which presents an important historical matter. Évora site have an archaeological record of occupation spanning from the Protohistoric to the Middle Ages. The human occupation even reachs the twenty century in a residual way. The “cortijo of Évora”, a traditional rural dwelling in the South of Spain (farmhouse), has lived until the middle of twentieth century. Departing of Évora, we have created a buffer within a 5-kilometres radius. The buffer extend from part of the Sanlúcar de Barrameda and Jerez Municipalities. Focusing on the banks of the Ligustinus, we have selected all of the archaeological sites documented by the bibliography (Parodi et al. 2019; PGOU Jerez de la Frontera).

Figure: Left- Macro-area. Shape of the lacus Ligustinus and buffer of the selected area of study. Right- Buffer with the selected area of The Cortijo de Évora Site and its surrondings. Black dots are the archaeological sites.



Parodi, M., Rodríguez, J., Garrido, P. and Verdugo, J. 2019. Carta Patrimonial de Sanlúcar de Barrameda. Arqueología. Sanlúcar: Ayuntamiento de Sanlúcar de Barrameda.

Ayuntamiento de Jerez de la Frontera. Plan General de Ordenación Urbana. Texto Refundido 2011.